您的EagleCard不仅仅是您的官方身份证(ID)。. 在校园, it gives you access to residence halls 和 other secured areas as well as admission to campus events. It also gives you the ability to obtain meals, snacks 和 other goods 和 服务s. 在校外,你可以用它在许多当地商家那里获得折扣. 继续往下读,了解更多!


你r EagleCard gets you into Ashl和 University events as well as residence halls 和 other secured areas. It also allows you to access a wide array of goods 和 服务s by functioning as your:


  • Use the barcode on the back of your EagleCard to check out materials from the Ashl和 University 图书馆 和 the 阿什兰神学院 图书馆.
  • 使用EagleCard上照片下方的身份证号:
    • 当你访问其他76个OhioLINK学术图书馆之一时,可以借书.
    • Request that a book found in the OhioLINK catalog be sent to you at Ashl和 University.
    • 使用EaglePAC(图书馆目录)检查图书馆帐户的状态.


  • Present your EagleCard when entering a dining hall 和 your meal will be deducted from your meal-plan account. 你 are then free to enjoy the many offerings of Ashl和 University's award-winning dining 服务.


  • Students: Present your EagleCard at any regular season athletic event to receive free admission.
  • 教师 & Staff: Present your EagleCard at any regular season athletic event to receive free admission for you 和 your immediate family.





Businesses in both Ashl和 和 Mansfield offer discounts to AU students 和 employees. Present your EagleCard to get special AU discounts on goods 和/or 服务s wherever you see a “Show 你r Eagle Card for Discount” window sticker displayed.



不仅仅是一张身份证, your EagleCard is a valuable possession containing a stored monetary value for purchasing power as well as the ability to grant access to the many student 服务s which are a part of the Ashl和 experience. 像这样, you will want to care for your EagleCard properly 和 quickly deactivate it should it ever go missing. To prevent card damage 和 subsequent interruption of your access to campus 服务s, 我们建议将您的EagleCard保存在保护盒中.


To make 购买 with your EagleCard, you must first activate 和 transfer funds to it. 你 can do this — 和 load additional funds onto your card as needed — in any of the following ways:

  • 在线: Select 管理您的帐户 开始吧. 然后选择 现在添加现金 按照说明来做.
  • 人: 用现金存款, check or credit card in the EagleCard office located in Lower Convocation/学生餐厅.
  • 在HCSC书店: 用现金存款, check or credit card in the Hawkins Conard Student Center Bookstore.
  • 邮寄: 将支票或汇票邮寄到学院大道401号EagleCard办公室.俄亥俄州阿什兰44805.
  • 通过电话: 在正常工作时间拨打EagleCard办公室419-289-5433.

当您使用EagleCard购物时,资金将被扣除. 然而,请注意,你 不能 用鹰币支付学费或住宿费 & 伙食费. 了解更多关于您能用EagleCard做什么和不能做什么, 请仔细阅读并配合所有鹰卡政策. 鹰币永不过期. 他们一直关注你的账户,直到毕业或提前提款. 详情请致电419-289-5022与商务办公室联系.


如果你丢失了你的卡或发现它被偷了, 立即close它,去 管理您的帐户 page, logging in 和 selecting "Card Services” or by calling — or showing up in person at — the EagleCard办公室 (extension 5433) in Lower Convocation/学生餐厅 (during business hours) or to Safety Services(extension 5555) in the Hawkins Conard Student Center (after business hours).

去办一张临时卡, you must go in person to the EagleCard办公室 in Lower Convocation/学生餐厅 (during business hours) or to Safety Services in the Hawkins Conard Student Center (after business hours) 支付不可退还的5美元费用. 此临时卡将立即生效, giving you access to 服务s such as the meal plan 和 entry into residence halls, but it will only work for 72 hours — a sufficient amount of time for you to obtain a replacement card. If you fail to return the temporary card, you will be charged an additional $25 fee.

获取更换卡, 你必须去鹰卡办公室, 较低的毕业生/学生餐饮,并支付10美元的费用. 此费用仅适用于遗失或被盗的信用卡以及使用过的旧卡 回到鹰卡办公室.


作为持卡人, 你必须保护好你的鹰币和膳食计划积分, the security of our living 和 dining halls 和 the university departments that rely on the card. 我们制定了以下政策和程序来帮助您做到这一点. It is your responsibility to read, underst和 和 comply with all of these policies.

  • 只有您可以使用您的鹰卡. 你在任何时候都不能把你的卡借给别人. 你应该把你的卡借给别人吗, 你将对任何行为负责, 服务, 用您的卡进行的特权或销售交易.
  • 根据大学官员的要求,你必须出示鹰卡. University staff are required to examine ID cards when they are presented for goods or 服务s. They do this to ensure that the card is being used by the person to whom it was issued — in other words, 为了你的安全. 他们也可能要求你提供额外的身份证明来验证你的身份.
  • 当您(持卡人)不再隶属于AU时,您的卡将过期. 您的EagleCard是葡京平台线上的财产.
  • 你 must never leave your EagleCard with an individual or department as collateral for goods or 服务s. 如果你把名片留给别人或其他部门, 你将对任何行为负责, 服务, 用您的卡进行的特权或销售交易. Please 不ify the EagleCard办公室 if you are asked to leave your card with anyone.
  • 你 must deactivate your card 和 report it to have been lost or stolen as soon as you discover this fact. 要停用EagleCard,请转到 管理您的帐户 page, log in 和 select "Card Services”; or, 不ify the EagleCard办公室 (extension 5433) during business hours or the Safety Services Office (extension 5555) after business hours.
  • 获得临时卡, you must show up in person at either the EagleCard办公室 located in Lower Convocation/学生餐厅 or Safety Services in the Hawkins Conard Student Center 和 支付不可退还的5美元费用. 此临时卡将立即生效, giving you access to 服务s such as the meal plan 和 entry into residence halls, but it will only work for 72 hours — a sufficient amount of time for you to obtain a replacement card. If you fail to return the temporary card, you will be charged an additional $25 fee.
  • 获取更换卡, 你必须去鹰卡办公室 located in Lower Convocation/学生餐厅 during business hours 和 pay a $10 fee. 你会 更换旧卡要收费, 然而, 只要你把那张卡还给鹰卡办公室.
  • If your ID number or your name changes, you must 不ify the Eagle Card Office as soon as possible.
  • 延长你信用卡的使用期限, please h和le your ID card carefully 和 store it in a protective sleeve or wallet. Do put it in the washing machine, dryer or dishwasher; do use it as a tool; 和 do 在上面打个洞.
  • 你 may be subject to disciplinary procedures if you tamper with —or allow a不her person to tamper with — an EagleCard’s magnetic stripe or barcode, 数据线或任何相关设备. 如果您看到卡或读卡器被滥用,请通知安全部门.
  • 不能 用鹰币支付学费或住宿费 & 伙食费.

你r cooperation with all of the aforementioned policies 和 procedures helps us to protect your Eagle Dollars from theft, our residence halls 和 other secure areas from unauthorized intruders 和 to maintain all the benefits currently available from our EagleCards.

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